[ Alien ]What events cause stress in my life?


If you are like many people, you may think that stress is an event, like seeing a UFO, which exerts an influence upon us. It is common to think of the word stress as an event which happens to us and exerts a force upon us. Much like an earthquake, or war, many people think that, under certain events, all people will act the same. Try the following exercise and see if you fit this category of people who believes stress is an event, which if intense enough, will cause you to react in a specific way.



List 10 events that cause you  stress!   



1.                                                           .                                                  .                                           

2.                                                            .                                                 .











Answer the following questions. It is best to copy the questions and then type your answers directly below so that you can be sure you answered all parts of the questions.

1.What do all of these events have in common?  How are they similar and how are they different?

2.Would everyone think these events are stressful and how would you know?  Why or why not? Explain your reasoning.

3.Can you begin to examine some of the assumptions you are making?

4.What difference does it make what assumptions people make about stress?

5.What did you learn from this exercise about stress?

Email: rbrehm@msn.com  Telephone: Cell 206-930-4197.
Copyright © 1998 [Robert Brehm]. All rights reserved.